What is a BID?



of businesses that vote, must vote in favour of the Melton BID’s third term.
Of the businesses that vote, those voting YES must represent a greater total rateable value than the ones that vote NO.

A Business Improvement District or BID is an arrangement whereby businesses collaborate to decide what services and improvements (in addition to those already provided) they wish to make in their location, how they are going to manage and deliver those improvements and what they are prepared to pay to make them happen. This information forms a business plan that will be voted upon by all prospective levy payers.

If the majority vote in favour of Melton Mowbray’s Renewal BID, by both number and rateable value, all businesses within the area mapped out on page 16 will pay an annual levy used to deliver the Business Plan.

The Melton BID comprises of

investment per year
over the BIDS 5 year term